At, we are committed to publishing accurate information across all our content. To ensure accuracy, we take the following steps:
a) Commitment to Accuracy
We investigate claims with skepticism, question assumptions, and challenge conventional wisdom. Achieving due accuracy in our output is fundamental to our reputation and the trust of our audience. “Due” means that accuracy must be adequate and appropriate to the content, considering its subject and nature, and any constraints influencing that expectation.
b) Sourcing and Evidence
All our content, as appropriate, must be well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated. We strive to be honest and transparent about what we don’t know and avoid unfounded speculation.
c) Ethical Standards
Our journalists do not engage in plagiarism or knowingly distort facts or context, including visual information. We seek independent verification to confirm claims made by public officials or anyone with a potential agenda beyond merely reporting the truth. Uncorroborated claims or allegations will typically be attributed.
d) Accountability stands by the information we publish. If proven inaccurate, we will correct the information as quickly as possible. We do not knowingly mislead our audience and are committed to acknowledging and correcting serious factual errors promptly and transparently.
e) Public Reporting
We provide a fair opportunity for the public to report inaccuracies through the “Suggest A Correction” section at the end of every published story.
f) Multi-Level Review
Our journalists’ primary responsibilities include reporting, writing, and fact-checking. Stories undergo review by one or more editors, with a multi-level fact-checking structure based on the story’s complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints.
Our Correction Policies
While we strive for accuracy, we recognize that errors may occur. When errors are made, takes responsibility for correcting them and maintaining transparency to prevent the spread of incorrect information.
Reader Responsibilities
If you spot an error, please contact the editor-in-chief, immediately:
Subject: Correction Needed
Corrections are only officially submitted when directed to the editor-in-chief. Submissions to other staff may not be addressed in a timely manner.
When emailing or mailing, include:
- The correction
- Issue date or number
- Where the correction was seen (print, online, etc.)
- Your name and contact information
- The correct information and a source, if applicable (e.g., meeting minutes).
You can expect a response from the editor-in-chief, who may seek further clarification if necessary. Please note that while your submission will be investigated, it does not guarantee a correction will be issued.
Our Process
Once notified, the editor-in-chief will investigate the error using the information provided and other relevant sources.
If an error is confirmed, the correction will be issued in all forms where the incorrect information was disseminated:
- Print: Corrections will be printed in the next issue, detailing the article and the correction.
- Website: The article will be updated, and an editor’s note will be added to indicate what was incorrect and when it was corrected.
- Social Media: If shared on social media, a post will be made linking to the corrected article, noting the correction.
After the correction, the editor-in-chief will inform the reader who submitted the correction about the steps taken.